Klein Comedy

ShipWreck      Following the step of a clasic sad clown ,   a shipwreck  man try desperate to  leave a  deserted island  who knows where and who knows when ,  he manage  to confront the vast seas  in top of his only suit case , alone ,hungry  desparate  he found confort on some food he manange  to cash on the sea , but the twist that the story has  will sorprize audience,and will bring the comic and bizarre on the hand of a very naugthy  and angry nurse .


The Royal Higness  Fernando and Isabell      Nobody really know what hapend on the royal slleping quaters of  The king and  The  Queen ,but some  gosips  hapen to travel throuhth history and we know that Fernando  was having troubles managing to get his royal higness the Queen some atention ,there is why ,he had to find any means possible to seduce  his wife . Just a story of seduction  and fun